Entries by f2819644

Retirement Plan Contribution Limits for 2023 and 2022 – 01/01/23

    Money Matters – Skloff Financial Group Question of the Month – January 1, 2023 By Aaron Skloff, AIF, CFA, MBA Q: We are ready to get serious about our retirement savings in 2023.  What are the contribution limits for various retirement accounts in 2023? The Problem – Lack of Retirement Savings Most pre-retirees […]

Not All Hybrid Life and Chronic Illness and Long Term Care Insurance Policies Are The Same – Part 2 – Long Term Care University – 12/15/22

    Long Term Care University – Question of the Month – 12/15/22 Research By Aaron Skloff, AIF, CFA, MBA Q: We read the Long Term Care University article that compares ‘Traditional Versus Hybrid Life and Long Term Care Insurance’ and ‘Not All Hybrid Life And Chronic Illness And Long Term Care Insurance Policies Are […]

Not All Hybrid Life and Chronic Illness and Long Term Care Insurance Policies Are The Same – Part 1 – Long Term Care University – 11/15/22

    Long Term Care University – Question of the Month – 11/15/22 Research By Aaron Skloff, AIF, CFA, MBA Q: We read the Long Term Care University article that compares ‘Traditional Versus Hybrid Life and Long Term Care Insurance’ and prefer the Hybrid Long Term Care Insurance (LTC) policy. The article focuses on Hybrid policies […]

The Iowa Long-Term Care Insurance Partnership Program – Long Term Care University – 11/15/22

    Long Term Care University – Question of the Month – 11/15/22 Research By Aaron Skloff, AIF, CFA, MBA Q: Some insurance companies offer Partnership Qualified long term care insurance policies. Can you explain what that means, what advantages it may provide and details on the Iowa Long-Term Care Insurance Partnership Program? The Problem […]