How the S&P 500 Performed During Major Market Crashes – Visual Capitalist – 08/05/20

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How the S&P 500 Performed During Major Market Crashes

How does the current COVID-19 crash of 2020 stack up against previous market crashes?

Title Start — End Date Duration (Trading Days) % Drop
Black Tuesday / Great Crash* Sep 16, 1929 — Sept 22, 1954 300 months (7,256 days) -86%
Nixon Shock / OPEC Oil Embargo Jan 11, 1973 — Jul 17, 1980 90 months (1,899 days) -48%
Black Monday** Oct 13, 1987 — May 15, 1989 19 months (402 days) -29%
Dot Com Bubble Mar 24, 2000 — May 30, 2007 86 months (1,808 days) -49%
Global Financial Crisis Oct 9, 2007 — Mar 28, 2013 65 months (1,379 days) -57%
COVID-19 Crash*** Feb 19, 2020 — Ongoing 5 months+ (117+ days) -34%

Price returns, based on nominal prices
*Black Tuesday occurred about a month after the market peak on Oct 29, 1929
**The market hit a peak on Oct 13th, prior to Black Monday on Oct 19,1987
***As of market close Aug 4, 2020

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