Long Term Care Insurance Tax Benefits by State 2016 – Long Term Care University – 06/15/16




Long Term Care University – Question of the Month – 06/15/16
By Aaron Skloff, AIF, CFA, MBA

Q: We have family throughout the U.S.  What federal and state tax benefits are available for long term care insurance?

The Problem – Foregoing Federal and State Tax Benefits

Too many long term care insurance policyholders forego valuable federal and state tax benefits because they simply do not know of their existence.  Cumulative premiums paid over a lifetime can add up.  Be sure to capture every tax benefit owed to you.

The Solution – Utilizing Federal and State Tax Benefits

Federal Tax Benefits.  You can add the tax qualified long term care insurance premiums (limited to the chart below) to other medical expenses.  Amounts in excess of 7.5% (if age 65 or over) or in excess of 10% (if under age 65) of adjusted gross income (AGI) can be itemized as a medical expense deduction on Schedule A of Form 1040 of your federal income tax return.  Tax qualified Long Term Care Insurance premiums can be reimbursed through an HSA , tax-free up to the Eligible Premium amounts listed below.

Click to Enlargetax-benefits-of-long-term-care-insurance-by-age-2016

State Tax Benefits.  In addition to the federal tax benefits, a number of states and the District of Columbia offer tax deductions and/or credits for policyholders with qualified policies.  Some states disallow simultaneous federal and state deductions.  The details by state are listed below.

Click to EnlargeTaxBenefitsOfLongTermCareInsuranceByState-2016

Action Step – Utilize Your Federal and State Tax Benefits

As this is not tax advice, work closely with your tax adviser to utilize every federal and state tax benefit available to you.

Aaron Skloff, Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF), Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charter holder, Master of Business Administration (MBA), is the Chief Executive Officer of Skloff Financial Group, a Registered Investment Advisory firm. The firm specializes in financial planning and investment management services for high net worth individuals and benefits for small to middle sized companies. He can be contacted at www.skloff.com or 908-464-3060.


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