Salesforce 401(k)
Investment Options
The Salesforce 401(k) offers a traditional mutual fund lineup and Fidelity BrokerageLink. Fidelity BrokerageLink provides thousands of investment options, allowing you to have your Salesforce 401(k) account professionally managed.
Professionally managed accounts can generate 3% to 4% higher returns per year.
Have Your Salesforce 401(k) Account Professionally Managed
2025 Contribution Limits
- Under age 50 $23,500
- Ages 50-59 or 64+ $31,000 [$23,500 + $7,500 catch-up]
- Ages 60-63 $34,750 [$23,500 + $11,250 catch-up]
Pre-tax Contributions and Pre-Tax Catch-up Contributions
With pre-tax contributions and pre-tax catch-up contributions, you defer income taxes until you withdraw the assets.
Roth Contributions and Roth Catch-up Contributions
With Roth contributions and Roth catch-up contributions, you pay taxes on the contributions but withdrawals are tax-free.
Salesforce Match
Salesforce matches 100% on your first 6% of your contributions, subject to an income limit of $350,000 in 2025. The maximum match is $5,000 in 2025. You must contribute $25,000 to receive your full match.
Salesforce matches vest immediately.
Salesforce Match Examples
Employee Contributes 1% of Salary
Based on a $350,000 salary, you contribute 1% of your salary or $3,500. Salesforce will match your contribution with 1% of your salary or $3,500.
Employee Contributes 6% of Salary
Based on a $350,000 salary, you contribute 4% of your salary or $21,000. Salesforce will match your contribution with 6% of your salary, subject to the $5,000 maximum match, or $5,000.
Mega Backdoor Roth
In addition to your pre-tax and Roth contributions and the Salesforce match, you can utilize a Mega Backdoor Roth. You can contribute after-tax to your 401(k) up to the limit of all employee and employer contributions, then convert those after-tax contributions to a Roth IRA or Roth 401(k).
2025 Contribution Limits for All Employee and Employer Contributions
- Under age 50 $70,000
- Ages 50-59 or 64+ $77,500
- Ages 60-63 $81,250
Mega Backdoor Roth Examples
Employee Under the Age of 50
Based on a $350,000 salary, you can generate $70,000 in 401(k) contributions. In addition to your pre-tax or Roth contributions and your Salesforce match, you can contribute $41,500 after taxes.
- Your pre-tax or Roth contributions $23,500
- Salesforce match $5,000
- Your Mega Backdoor Roth contributions $41,500
- Total $70,000
Employee Age 50-59 or 64+
Based on a $350,000 salary, you can generate $77,500 in 401(k) contributions. In addition to your pre-tax or Roth contributions and your Salesforce match, you can contribute $41,500 after taxes.
- Your pre-tax or Roth contributions $23,500
- Your pre-tax or Roth catch-up contributions $7,500
- Salesforce match $5,000
- Your Mega Backdoor Roth contributions $41,500
- Total $77,500
Employee Age 60-63
Based on a $350,000 salary, you can generate $81,250 in 401(k) contributions. In addition to your pre-tax or Roth contributions and your Salesforce match, you can contribute $41,500 after taxes.
- Your pre-tax or Roth contributions $23,500
- Your pre-tax or Roth catch-up contributions $11,250
- Salesforce match $5,000
- Your Mega Backdoor Roth contributions $41,500
- Total $81,250
Have Your Salesforce 401(k) Account Professionally Managed
Salesforce and Skloff Financial Group are not affiliated companies. While we make efforts to keep the information accurate, we make no guarantees. Please contact your benefits department to verify the information.