Entries by f2819644

Real Costs of Long Term Care – Long Term Care University – 12/15/13

    Long Term Care University – Question of the Month – 12/15/13 Research By Aaron Skloff, AIF, CFA, MBA Q: While the median cost of a nursing facility is approximately $84,000 per year and has increased approximately 5% per year over the last five years, what are the real costs of long term care? […]

Median Earnings by Education – College Board – 2011

Click to Enlarge Individuals with some college but no degree earned 14% more than high school graduates working full time year-round. Median earnings for individuals with associate degrees working full time were 27% higher than median earnings for those with only a high school diploma. Individuals with master’s degrees earned twice as much before taxes […]

New Strategies for Long-Term Care – Wall Street Journal – 11/23/13

    The Wall Street Journal Weekend Investor – Family Value – November 23, 2013 New Strategies for Long-Term Care Premiums on Policies Keep Climbing. Here’s What to Do About It. By Kelly Greene As long-term-care insurance becomes more expensive and harder to get, what are families who want it left to do? What choices […]

MassHealth Medicaid Exemption – Long Term Care University – 11/15/13

    Long Term Care University – Question of the Month – 11/15/13 Research By Aaron Skloff, AIF, CFA, MBA Q: Can I protect my home away from the Massachusetts MassHealth (Medicaid) Program if I purchase a Long Term Care Insurance policy? If so, are there any requirements? The Problem – Limited Benefits and Limited […]

Pacific PremierCare Advantage Combination Life and Long Term Care Insurance

Pacific PremierCare Adavantage Universal Life Insurance with Long-Term Care Benefits Rising Costs of Long-Term Care Costs of long term care has risen over 120% or 4.05% in the last 20 years 7 out of 10 Americans age 65+ will need some type of long-term care. Pacific PremierCare Long-Term Care Benefits If you need long-term care… […]